Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oh, Odette...

...as in Odette Myrtil.  As marvelous a name as Ruby Philogene.

Oh, Odette, I need a shot of your tuxedo love. Or else the world's biggest carnation to sniff.  Have been so busy with deadlines, and the dream of a common language, I've had to forego any blog appearances this week. Please forgive me, ladies and gents and lady-gents.

And La Myrtil?--actress, violinist, singer (1898-1978), born in France, ended up in vaudeville in London and New York, followed by a 20-year career in Hollywood films as a character actress. Married twice (can that be the whole story?) and lived in New Hope, Pennsylvania in later life, where she opened a restaurant, Chez Odette.  The latter is supposedly still in existence--one must check.